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PFNA的英文全称是:Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation,意思是防旋股骨近端髓内钉。

PFNA属于一种新型股骨近端内固定系统,是新改进的PFN (股骨近端髓内钉)系统,一方面继承了原PFN 的优点,生物力学特点相同,另一方面在具体设计上有所创新,令固定更有效、操作更简单。


PFNA一方面继承了原PFN 的优点,生物力学特点相同,另一方面在具体设计上有所创新,令固定更有效、操作更简单。



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march 英[mɑ:tʃ] 美[mɑ:rtʃ]

vi. (坚定地向某地) 前进; 行军,进军; 游行示威; 进展,进行;

vt. 使前进; 使行军;

n. 行军; 行进,前进; 游行示威; 进行曲;三月(比如大写) ;


in March 在三月;在三月份

long march 长征

march in 进入;(运动员)进场

march on 行进,向前进;向…推进;进入检阅场地

march into 长驱直入



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黑界祖宗、独步杀戮枪蹦狗友、我操,敢抢我的男人、从小就拉风、噬血啸月弑神自封、跪下,叫帅哥、狂妄称帝、爷来取你狗命残忍的杀戮、惹你贱笑、旧念何挽、不朽神王、战王萝莉夜炙至尊、 ┉至尊狂魔┈、你算毛~ 、虐你如虐狗、 帝王江山、男人不拽要俊逸、滚╇离哥远点→、酷炫老祖宗、炫舞狂魔、新一代⊕狙神ま琳琅女称霸全服、魔尊弑神、劳资独宠一方、风驭の猎、瘦成闪电劈死你、夲宫丶没时间、亮瞎你的小眼睛、独孤战天、你祖奶我很ok、狗友你别瞅、虐菜是享受、拽到扒了你、狙神猛禽、你放学等着、少女收割机、傲视狂杀、←龙霸天下、修罗の传说、爷只是神话ㄨ、世当戮灭、中分女神、至尊づ无敌、傲藐者、坟场蹦迪c、渲染死亡的华丽、霸气╉极度嗜杀、装逼造脸一顿踢、贪狼天尊、不狂不战、问世间谁能敌我、罒鉮圣灬霸王、腿粗,你不服啊!、铭华丶族丿主宰、哥哥放屁崩死你、超能灬ナ帅哥、姐,就是拽#p#副标题#e#等。




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Laba Festival there are two legendary origin. Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha said that a move mountain cultivation. December eighth day that day because of hunger and fatigue Zaidao street, was a shepherdess found with large gruel saved so that he Dachedawu. Enlightenment and Buddha. One said that the Ming emperor Zhu Yuan-hour cattle to the rich because the rich bracket was broken off in a room, three days did not give anything to eat, he was unbearable hunger. Searched everywhere. Finally found a rat hole, dig out the beans, grain and other food, Zhu Chengyu consumption, find it very sweet.

Later, the emperor made the emperor, thinking a child eat porridge and that the taste of Dayton, he ordered his eunuchs to use a variety of food cooked up a pot of sugar porridge, feast courtiers, after North Korea Wenwubaiguan emulated and passed civil society, Sui Cheng A holiday customs. By Zhu Yuan sugar porridge eighth day of the days of the twelfth lunar month, so this porridge is also called laba porridge of.



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蒲公英学名:Taraxacum officnala


蒲公英拼音名:Pu gong ying

蒲公英拉丁名:Herba Taraxaci

蒲公英科别:菊科 Compositae








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春节习俗英文简介:Customs of the Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and also the most important one of the whole year. Through the evolvement of thousands of years, a series of customs are spreading far and wide.

1扫尘 Sweeping the Dust

“Dust” is homophonic with "chen”(尘)in Chinese, which means old and past. In this way, "sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year. This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life. In a word, just before the Spring Festival comes, every household will give a thorough cleaning to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.

2贴春联 Pasting Spring Couplets

“The Spring Couplet”, also called "couplet” and "a pair of antithetical phrases”, is a special form of literature in China. The Spring Couplet is composed of two antithetical sentences on both sides of the door and a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription, usually an auspicious phrase, above the gate. The sentence pasting on the right side of the door is called the first line of the couplet and the one on the left the second line. On the eve of the Spring Festival, every household will paste on doors a spring couplet written on red paper to give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival. In the past, the Chinese usually wrote their own spring couplet with a brush or asked others to do for them, while nowadays, it is common for people to buy the printed spring couplet in the market.

3贴窗花和“福”字 Pasting Paper-cuts and "Up-sided Fu”

Paper-cuts, usually with auspicious patterns, give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival and express the good wishes of Chinese people looking forward to a good life. In addition to pasting paper-cuts on windows, it is common for Chinese to paste the character "fu(福)”, big and small, on walls, doors and doorposts around the houses. "Fu(福)” shows people’s yearning toward a good life. Some people even invert the character "fu(福)” to signify that blessing has arrived because "inverted” is a homonym for "arrive” in Chinese. Now many kinds of paper-cuts and "fu(福)” can be seen in the market before the Festival.

4守岁 Staying Up Late on New Year‘s Eve

The tradition of staying up late to see New Year in originated from an interesting folk tale. In ancient China there lived a monster named Year, who was very ferocious. Year always went out from its burrow on New Year’s Eve to devour people. Therefore, on every New Year’s Eve, every household would have supper together. After dinner, no one dared go to sleep and all the family members would sit together, chatting and emboldening each other. Gradually the habit of staying up late on New Year’s Eve is formed. Thus in China, "celebrating the Spring Festival” is also called "passing over the year (guo nian)”。 However, now there are less and less people in cities who will stay up late to see New Year in.

5贴年画 Pasting New Year Prints

The custom of pasting New Year Prints originated from the tradition of placing Door Gods on the external doors of houses. With the creation of board carvings, New Year paintings cover a wide range of subjects. The most famous ones are Door Gods, Surplus Year after Year, Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity, An Abundant Harvest of Crops, Thriving Domestic Animals and Celebrating Spring. Four producing areas of New Year Print are Tɑohuɑwu of Suzhou, Yɑngliuqing of Tianjin, Wuqiɑng of Hebei and Weifang of Shangdong. Now the tradition of pasting New Year paintings is still kept in rural China, while it is seldom followed in cities.

6吃饺子 Having Jiaozi

On New Year’s Eve, the whole family will sit together to make jiaozi and celebrate the Spring Festival. The shape of jiaozi is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure. The tradition of having jiaozi is very important during the Spring Festival. You cannot have a complete Spring Festival without having jiaozi. (See page 82 for more information about "jiaozi”)

7看春节联欢晚会 The CCTV New Year‘s Gala

The New Year’s Gala is a variety show held by China Central Television (CCTV) since 1983. For every year since then at the turn of the Lunar New Year, the program begins at 8:00PM and lasts five or six hours. It brings laughter to billions of people, creates many popular words and produces lots of TV phenomena meriting attention. For over twenty years, its value has gone far beyond a variety show. It is essential entertainment for the Chinese both at home and abroad. Many Chinese would like to watch the gala while having the dinner on New Year’s Eve.、

8放鞭炮 Setting off Firecrackers

The firecracker is a unique product in China. In ancient China, the sound of burning bamboo tubes was used to scare away wild animals and evil spirits. With the invention of the gunpowder, "firecracker” is also called "鞭炮biānpào” (“炮” in Chinese means gun) and used to foster a joyful atmosphere. The first thing every Chinese household does is to set off firecrackers and fireworks, which are meant to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new. In the past few years, such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities including Beijing due to fire and personal casualty caused by burning firecrackers. However, some Chinese thought that a Spring Festival without firecrackers was not lively enough and they burned firecrackers by stealth. So in recent years, the ban was canceled again. This shows that burning firecrackers is a very important activity during the Spring Festival.

9拜年和压岁钱 New Year‘s Visit and Gift Money

On the first day of the Chinese lunar year, everybody puts on their best clothes and pays ceremonial calls on their relatives and friends, wishing them all the luck in the coming year. Juniors will greet seniors, wishing them health and longevity, while seniors will give juniors some gift money as a wish for their safety in the coming year. When friends meet, they will wish each other happiness and prosperity with a big smile. With the development of the new technology, there is a change on the way of giving New Years greetings. In recent year, it is common to send New Years greetings by such modern means of communication as telephones, emails and text messages.

10逛庙会 Temple Fair

Temple fair, usually held outside temples, is a kind of folk custom in China. During the Spring Festival, temple fair is one of the most important activities, in which there are such performances as acrobatics and Wushu, numerous kinds of local snacks and many kinds of things for everyday life. In recent years, the temple fair has become a place for people to appreciate the traditional art and experience the traditional life.


Spring Festival is the most important holiday for Chinese people. Excitement and happiness are palpable this time of the year, and they reach the peak on lunar new year‘s eve.


Though the 15-day period, which starts with the first day of the lunar new year and ends on the 15th day (known as Lantern Festival), is relatively long, it is the busiest time of the year for Chinese people. The arrangements they have to make for family reunions, buying necessities and preparing food keeps them busy throughout the holiday. Many of them travel back home and meet friends over dinner and drinks. The celebrations include decorating the house and setting off fireworks.


But we are talking about a tradition that seems to be fading.


Spring Festival, as it is celebrated today, has undergone many changes, thanks to the country‘s economic development and globalization.


Yet no Spring Festival is complete without food. People could not get good food whenever they desired in earlier times, something that does not apply to society today. More often than not, people faced the risk of famine. The best time for people to celebrate was when food was available in plenty, and that was possible in spring, or the beginning of the lunar new year. That was the main reason why Spring Festival acquired such great importance among Chinese people.


But three decades of economic growth has ensured that people in China, except for those who are still poor, can enjoy a good meal whenever they want. Such has been the change in people‘s fortune that some have to be treated for obesity and other health problems associated with excessive eating.


In the past, celebrations were limited to events like song-and-dance duets in North China, dragon/lion dances in South China and fireworks, which required the joint efforts of the entire community. But economic development and urbanization seems to have weakened the social links among people. Many, especially those living in cities, are not interested in celebrating the festival with people they hardly know.


Many customs associated with Spring Festival have changed, too. In the past, people used to visit relatives and friends with gifts and lots of good wishes. Today, many people, especially the youth, use their cell phones or the Internet to send their good wishes and even "gifts" to their relatives and friends. Some may say this a sign that people have become less caring about their near and dear ones, but we should see this development as a time- and energy-saving exercise granted by the information age.


In recent times, many people have started praying for a career promotion or more money instead of invoking God or the Buddha for a healthy and long life and the welfare of their family. But the number of such people is decreasing now, which shows that people are becoming more reasonable.



Festival Greetings

Traditional Festival Greetings:

恭贺新禧 | Happy New Year

吉祥如意 | Everything Goes Well

恭喜发财 | Wishing You Prosperity

年年有余 | Surplus Year after Year

岁岁平安 | Peace All Year Round

新春大吉 | Good Luck in the New Year

In the past two years, it has become a vogue for relatives and friends to send short messages to greet each other during the Spring Festival. With best wishes, the warm greetings of text messages give a happy and joyful atmosphere of the Festival.

Festival Greetings via Text Message

① 送你一件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,领子是吉祥,袖子是如意,扣子是快乐,口袋里满是温暖,穿上吧,让它伴你每一天!新春快乐!

I will give you a coat as a present. The front is safety, the back happiness, the collar auspiciousness, the sleeves satisfaction, the buttons enjoyment and the pockets warmness. Wear every day. Wish you a happy New Year.

② 新年到了,不打算送给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐!千万要健康!千万要平安!千万要知足!千万不要忘记我!

As the New Year comes, I will only give you five "do’s” as a present. Do be merry! Do be healthy! Do be safe! Do be satisfied! Do remember me!



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Be genuine and conceal notingI write every wiod I wand to say on this small cardI wish my honey a happy Valentine’s day


I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness Then I met you

Happy Valenti ne’s Day, Dear


May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!


Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine Happy the day!


Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie


I want to hold your hand on Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie


Happy Valentines Day!!

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence


True loves the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry


ust because someone doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesnt mean they dont love you with all they have


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you


This card is to let you know that I still love you after all of these years


After years, our love is even stronger than before


You were my high school sweetheart, And still are


To my one and only Valentine: I love you


You h***e always been there for me, And I will always be there for you Happy Valentines Day


I fell in love with you when I first saw you, And I still am after years


I didnt think that I could ever trust happiness then I met you Happy Valenti nes Day, Dear


Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentines Day, Baby


You have been And still are my only true Valentine


To the girl of my dreams And the mother of our child: you are the only Valentine for me


I will be your Valentine until the end of time


After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand Im thinking of you this Valentines Day


I made the right choice when I decided to marry you Be my Valentine forever


No one has ever loved me the way you do I love being your little Valentine


On this Valentines Day, just like every day, all I h***e is love for you



To my ever loving;I am yours forever


I knew that there would be ups And downs when I married you But through it all you h***e always been my Valentine


Im sorry that I cant be with you on this Valentines DayI send this Valen tines card to remind you that I love you


It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that cant be expressed with any choice of words


Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears


I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too,I miss you


Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painfulI miss you ,and miss you so mach……


Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart


Listening to my heart beating Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you When thinking of you,I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you!


Thousand of time I have thought of you My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I dont care lonelinessI am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!


I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely


miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and wont stop flying until it reaches you at last


Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for my lifes time If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever


As always ,I hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!


I want to hold your hand on Valentines Day Happy Valentines Day, sweetie


May all of our wishes come true this Valentines Day


Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentines Day, sweetie


Sending you a kiss to say Im glad that you are mine Happy the day!



You mean everything to me Please say yesHappy Valentines Day, Honey!


May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance Happy Valentines Day Honey!


You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy armsI cant let you go Happy Valentines Day


I didnt think that I could ever trust happiness Then I met youHappy Valenti nes Day, Dear


Be genuine and conceal notingI write every wiod I wand to say on this small cardI wish my honey a happy Valentines day


Your love for me is a natural anti-depressant


I love that feeling of being secure when you wrap your arms around me


Love makes the world go round一些人认为有钱能使鬼推磨。但对于那些真正的浪漫主义者来说,爱才是生命中最重要的东西。

Your better half这是指你的男友或女友。你还可以称你的恋人为my other half,但your better half听起来要比your other half舒服得多!

The light of my life light of your life是那个让你欢笑,感觉非常甜蜜的人!你还可以告诉你的爱人:“Darling, you light up my life”。

She drives me crazy!这可不代表她要把你逼疯了!如果有人drives you crazy,他们正是那些让你心跳加速的人。例如,“Youre crazy about Amy, why don’t you ask her out?”

Perfect match你找到自己的绝配了吗?你的perfect match正是-个在各方面都和你非常相衬的人。我们有时还用soul mate来表达。

Seeing, Dating, Going steady第一次和一个人约会时,你一定不想弄得很严肃的样子。你可能会说:“Im seeing someone”。过了一阵子,你开始dating 此人。最终,你和这个人go steady。意思是你们俩正式成为了男女朋友。

You are too good to be true!如果你觉得一个人对你而言好的简直不真实了,你就可以这么说。你还可以说you are like a dream come true。

Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat


Youre the one who holds the key to my heart


You always say what I need to hear


You have taught me the true meaning of love Love is, what you mean to me - and you mean everything


I can be myself when I am with you


You and me together, we can make magic


Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead


Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive


Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat


Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine Happy the day!


You mean everything to me Please say yesHappy Valentine’s Day, Honey!


May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!


You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms I can’t let you go Happy Valentine’s Day




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No matter when and where, in no circumstances can we deny the great importance of manners.

Firstly, a person with good manners is often considered to be more trustworthy and easygoing, which helps him make more friends and get needed help from others. Besides, people are more willing to show their respect to the polite people and cooperate with them, bringing them many opportunities to change. Still most importantly, being polite helps reduce misunderstanding between people, contributing to a harmonious and enjoyable relationships.

Having good manners is regarded as an important part when judging a people whether he or she is a person of good taste, and using polite words is a sign of good manners. We use polite words in our daily life without realizing it. “please” “thank you” and “sorry” are the three words we use most frequently, which bring us magic power.

Being polite is the first and most important step to develop good relationship since polite words make it easy for people to communicate with others. Being polite show your respect to others so that they are likely to build relations with you. Always saying polite words will make others feel comfortable and repected, then when you need help they are willing to give you a hand. Moreover, using polite words can bring you friends who has the same character with you,as the old saying goes “Birds of a feather flock together”. The people around you may build a better you.


The telephone is an amazingly useful machine, and very easy to use, but believe it or not, people dont always use them effectively. Because were busy and focused on ourselves, we often use our phones in a manner thats helpful for us, but not necessarily for everyone else.

Hopefully you know a few of the basics, such as keeping your phone volume low, or on vibrate, resisting the urge to use them during meetings or training sessions, and of course, refraining from personal texting while at work. For personal texting, its best to give yourself one or two times per day. Youll step away from your work, say, outside, or in a cafeteria, and then engage your personal texts.

Those are obviously important, but what I really want you to think about is how you interact and respect the person with whom youre speaking. And that begins before you even pick up the phone. When you hear the ring, grab a pad of paper and pen, so you can be ready to take needed notes without causing a delay while you look around your desk. Before saying "hello," I want you to smile, and choose to be positive. How you feel will be sensed by the person on the other end of the phone, so smile and make a positive impression.

Right after you say "hello," be sure youve turned away from your computer towards the area of your office least likely to be distracting. No multitasking of any kind allowed—in fact, just looking at your pad of paper and pen is a really good idea, because it encourages cognitive focus. Next, if the call isnt for you, but is for someone else in the department or company, dont say wrong number; dont say they did anything wrong at all. Instead, help them. Connect them to the person, or at least share relevant contact information.

Finally, during the call, remember to never interrupt the person. Interrupting tends to be viewed by everyone as a sign of disrespect. If youre very busy and facing a huge deadline, you can shape the call when its your turn to speak, for example, by telling them you need to get back to them, but then, do suggest a specific time. Of course, if youre honestly not able to talk, you probably shouldnt have answered the call, unless its your boss, or a person youre expecting an important call from.

The telephone is your friend, but if you dont use it correctly, it wont necessarily make you look friendly. Remember the tips above, and youll connect successfully by building only positive impressions.


Telephone manners

While todays phones are capable of countless special functions, remember that basic etiquette still applies. Being aware of who is with you and where you are when receiving a call is important, as well as having an awareness of your volume and tone of voice. If you dont want anyone to hear your conversation, chances are they dont want to hear it either!

Cell phones are great—they keep us in touch with friends and family and can be life savers in an emergency. But they can also be annoying if not used thoughtfully. Remember, it doesn’t have to be on all the time and you don’t always have to answer it immediately. Learn to use your phone’s features like silent ring, vibrate and voicemail to handle the times when your phone would be bothering others if it rang and you answered it.

1.Be in control of your phone, dont let it control you!

2.Speak softly.

3.Be courteous to those you are with; turn off your phone if it will be interrupting a conversation or activity.

4.Watch your language, especially when others can overhear you.

5.Avoid talking about personal problems in a public place.

6.If it must be on and it could bother others, use the silent ring mode and move away to talk.

7.Don’t make calls in a library, theater, church, or from your table in a restaurant.

8.Don’t text during class or a meeting at your job.

9.Private info can be forwarded, so don’t text it.

10.NEVER drive and use your phone at the same time.



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2020年2月11日,世卫组织在日内瓦召开发布会,宣布将新型冠状病毒正式命名为COVID-19, 此英文缩写象征着19年发现的冠状病毒疾病,19+代表发现年份、CO代表Corona(冠状物)、VI代表Virus(病毒)、D代表Disease(疾病)。


当地时间2月11日,世卫组织在日内瓦召开发布会,宣布将新型冠状病毒正式命名为COVID-19, 此英文缩写象征着19年发现的冠状病毒疾病。



而在这之前,也就是2月8日,国务院联防联控机制召开发布会,会上新闻发言人现场发布关于新冠病毒感染的肺炎暂命名的通知:新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎统一称谓为“新型冠状病毒肺炎”,简称“新冠肺炎”,英文名为“Novel coronavirus pneumonia”,简称为“NCP”。




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关于文化,文化的东西我们确实需要了解和知道,尤其在和老外交流的时候,如果不了解有可能会有很多的误会,西方文化的核心是 individualism(个人主义),比如他们吃饭喜欢AA制,他们不喜欢别人帮忙喜欢自己搞定,甚至他们人和人之间都会保持一定的距离等(不像我们中国人两个好朋友尤其女性喜欢手牵着手,甚至还有男性)。



还有full和fool,很多同学也会把full这个词读成fool,这样当我们说“吃饱了”(I am full)就变成了“我是傻子”(I am fool),甚至有的同学问别人“你吃饱了吗”,读的也是长音,这样就是在问别人“你是傻子吗”(Are you fool)。而回答的同学也发错了,发得也很长,回答的是“我是傻子”(I am fool)。




关于表达,就是平时一定要多说英语,多和别人交流(去英语角或者晨读或者没事自己多背诵一些东西都可以),要是能找一个老外就更好了,正所谓:The more you speak the more progress you will make.


有一个例子能很好地说明这一点,就是以前一个中国人去加拿大定居,这个人英语单词量很小,很多单词都不会说,但是他经常能很好地表达自己,有一天他去商店买发酵粉(baking powder)这个英语单词确实很难,但是他用了一些小学词汇表达了这个词的概念,说的是:I wanna buy something make steamed bread can bigger and bigger.




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1、Wishing you a sparkling Christmas and bright happy New Year!May the season bring much pleasure to you.


2、May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright. Have a love filled Christmas and New Year!


3、Christmas greetings and best wishes!


4、May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way.


5、Thinking of you at Christmas with a wish that is warm and sincere.Have a wonderful Christmas andjoyous New Year!


6、A wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year!


7、Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.


8、Merry Christmas and happy New Year!


9、In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.


10、Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares and  concerns during the year.


11、Much joy to you in the up coming year.May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.


12、A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


13、A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year.


14、With the old wish that is ever new,may the greeting do its share toward making your Christmas a pleasant one.


15、A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!


16、Forget,forgive,for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again. Touch hands!


17、Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success.


18、It seems that Christmas time is here once again,and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones,and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.


19、Warm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.


20、Christmas comes but once a year.But when it comes it brings good cheer.


21、Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.


22、Christmas is the most human and kindly of season,as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses.


23、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.


24、Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!


25、Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long.


26、Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises.


27、May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you.


28、Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines,the scent of flowers and wine,good talk,good memories andloyalties renewed.But if all else is lacking-love will do.


29、May you have the best Christmas ever.


30、Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings.




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Where are you from?

My country has a lot of mountains... (我的家乡有很多山……)

Oh, yeah? Where are you from? (哦,是吗?您是哪儿人?)

Where are you from? (您是哪里人?)

Im from Japan. (我是日本。)


Im from Canada。


I come from Canada. *①Im from Canada。跟②I come from Canada。这个英文日常口语对话意思几乎一样。然而②含有两种意思:一种是“自加拿大来,但并非是加拿大籍”;另一种意思是“我是加拿大人”。

I was born in Canada. (我出生在加拿大。)

Chicago is my hometown. (我的故乡是芝加哥。)


How do you like Japan?

What do you think about Japan?


I like it。


Its a good place。


Where have you been in Japan?


Where do you live now?


I live in Tokyo。


Are you here on vacation? *on business是“因公”,on vacation是“度假”的英文日常口语对话句子。

Are you vacationing?

Are you here for a vacation?

Is this a pleasure trip?

Are you here on business or for pleasure? (你来这是工作还是游玩?)


Im here on business。

My trip is business related. (我的旅行跟工作有关。)

Im on a business trip。


How long have you been in Japan?

How long have you been in Japan? (您来日本多长时间了?)

I just arrived last week. (上星期刚来。)

How long have you been in Japan? (您明天将来本多长时光了?)

About three years. (大略3年左右了。)


About four months。


Are you used to life in Japan? *be used to “习惯”,留心“d”不发音。

Are you used to life in Japan? (你习惯日本的生涯了吗?)

No, not yet. (不,还不习惯。)

Have you gotten used to life in Japan?

Have you grown accustomed to Japan?


How long will you be in Japan?

How long will you be in Japan? (你在日本呆到什么时候?)

Until next month. (呆到下个月。)

How long do you plan to stay?


Until December。


Do you speak Japanese?

Do you speak Japanese? (你说日语吗?)

Unfortunately, no. (很遗憾,我不会。)

Can you speak Japanese? (你能说日语吗?)

Are you a Japanese speaker?


A little。

Just a little。

Some. (一点儿。)


I cant speak Japanese at all. *not...at all “一点都不……”。


I know (everyday) conversational Japanese。


Where did you learn Japanese?


At school。


I learned it on my own. *on my own “自学”、“靠本人的力量”。

I learned it by myself. *英文日常口语对话表达by oneself “一个人”、“靠自己的力量”。


Whens your birthday?

Whens your birthday? (你什么时候过诞辰?)

Its May 24th. (5月24日。)

和外教相处需要注意什么 和外教交流注意事项:












和外教相处需要注意什么, 和外教交流注意事项。最后要告诉大家的是,上外教课一定要保持着严谨的学习态度。千万不要因为外教课轻松愉快就嘻嘻哈哈,不好好学习。更不可能指望外教给你宽松,让你过关,只有自己考出来的,外教才会承认。



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Legend has it that there was a Vega, and an altair. Weaver and traction

Bovine agree in opinion, have mutual affinity. However, law of law are not allowed to man and a woman, to love. Weaver is the Jade Emperor and yao ji s daughter, mother will go to morning glory again, Weaver kept weaving brocade as punishment.

Weavers work, is to use a magic silk loom to weave layers in the beautiful clouds, along with time and different seasons and changingtheir color, this is " tink ". Since the morning glory was demoted after weaver, often in tears, bend the brows Miss morning glory. She sat near the loom stop weave beautiful brocade with a view to win the great compassion, let the morning glory early return to heaven.

One day, a few fairy begged Wang Mu to go to the world Yiyou green lotus pool, Wang Mu today mood right, he promised them.They see the Vega all depressed, went to the queen mother. Let Weaver common to the queen mother love, also was latergranddaughter, will make them come to.

Morning glory was demoted after saying, was born in a peasant family, named cowherd. Later his parents died, he was followed by hisbrother. His brother to be the very harsh, and he breaks up, gave him an old ox and an old car, the other is that his brother and sister-in-law exclusive. Then, he and the separation. Since then, the Cowherd and the old together, they in the wilderness trail, till the land,build houses.

One or two years later, they create a small home, can barely live from hand to mouth. But, except for the dumb ox and outside,deserted house only when a person, live a quite lonely.

The cowherd did not know, the old cow is heaven taurus. To this day, old ox suddenly spoke, it said: " the cowherd cowherd, today you go green lotus pool a, there are some Fairies in take a shower, you take the Red Fairy clothes to hide, in the Red Fairy Dress fairy will become your wife. " See the old cowboy mouth words, strange, happy, he asked: " cattle brother, you really can talk? What you say is true? " Cow nodded, then quietly hide in the green lotus pool, reeds, waiting for the coming of the fairies. After a while, the fairies really elegant drifts off light, Luo clothes, leap into the stream. Cowboy from reed ran out, took the Red Fairy clothing. The fairies to see somebody comes, all have to wear their own clothes, like a bird flew away, leaving no clothes cant escape the fairy, she is the girl weaver. Weaver see his immortal by a guy robbed, shame and anxious, but feel helpless. Then, the cowherd walked up, said to her, she promised to be his wife, he can give her clothes. Weaver began to see, know the cowherd is his want of Petunia, then topromise him. Thus, Vega would do the cowboys wife.

After they marry, men tilling the farm and womenweaving, be deeply attached to each other, to live very happy. Soon, they gave birth to a son and a daughter, very cute. They thought to be lifelong, reach old age. But, she knew it, fly, God will be immediately sent to catch back to the celestial palace accusing weaver. To this day, Weaver was cooking, next to the cowboy hurried, inflamed eyes toldWeaver: " cattle brother died, he said to me before he died, after his death, his leather stripping down, some day in the future, with it,you can fly to heaven. " Weaver girl listens, wondered, she knew, old sky is Taurus, only because of who was banished from themorning to speak a few words of justice, also under the heaven. How it will suddenly die? Vega would allow Niulang off leather, a proper burial of water buffaloes.

At this moment, the sky storm divine troops descending from heaven, drop from the clouds, no time is allowed for explanation.,escorted Vega would fly up in the sky. Are flying, flying, Weaver heard the voice: "weaver, wait for me! " They looked back, saw thecowboy with a pair of baskets, carrying two people, dressed leather came. Slowly, the distance between them is more and more close,the weaver can see children cute, the children are with open arms, shouting "Mom ", seeing, the cowboy and the weaver girl to meet.But then, she drove the auspicious clouds came, she pulled out her head to figure, among them total, all of a sudden, a milky way the waves roll across the Vega and Altair, unable to cross the.

They looked at the Milky way the Cowherd and the sons and daughters, straight cry shout oneself hoarse, the Cowherd and thechildren cried half alive. They cry, the children a sound " mother " shouts, was so anxious cleft gall, copy from rolia, even in a wait-and-see fairy, the gods felt sad sad, not to have the heart. She saw the scene, also a little for the faithful love touched, they agreed to letthe Cowherd and the children left in the sky, every July 7th, let them meet again. Since then, the Cowherd and his children lived inheaven, separated by a distance across the Milky way, and weaver. In the autumn the stars in the sky, we still can see the Milky way on both sides have two big star, bright shining, that is the Vega and altair. And Altair together and the two small stars, that is home to a boy and a girl.

Cowboy Weaver meet in July 7th, numerous groups of magpies flying bridge for them. On the bridge, the reunion! Vega and Altair isrelative, cuddled their children, there are countless words to say, there are endless love to talk to!

Later, every lunar July and, according to legend Cowboy Weaver meet Bridge day, girls will come to the ideal setting for a couple in love, look up at the stars, look for the Milky way on both sides of the Altair and Vega, hope to see them once a year meeting, beggingGod to make their own as a weaver that have clever hands and good sense, to pray to have their own wishful heart happy marriageand beautiful love, resulting in the July 7th day. ( the annual meeting, the sky one day, underground for a year, so the day. )

this story contains a matriarchal society of the core values, is the maternal family rearing children, her husband only from time to timeto reunite with his wife and children. It has a long history.














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“M”is for the million things she gave me,


“O”means only that she`s growing old,


“T”is for the tears she shed to save me,


“H”is for her heart of Purest gold,


“E”is for her eyes,with love-light shining,


R”means right ,and right she`ll always be,


Put them all together ,they sPell 将他们连起来,他们就是



A word that mean the world to me.




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随着农历八月十五中秋节的临近,越南商家之间展开的“月饼大战”、“玩具大战”使越南各地的节日气氛尤显浓烈。与中国的中秋节有所不同,越南的中秋节是儿童唱主角。市场上口味各异的各式月饼、千姿百态的花灯、五颜六色的儿童玩具等节日食品、玩具应有尽有,孩子们的脸上溢满了对节日渴望。中秋节,首都河内的大小街道沿街摆卖月饼的店铺披红挂绿,上书“月饼”字样的大红灯笼高悬在店前的醒目位置,各种品牌的月饼摆满了货架。 每年中秋节期间,越南各地都要举行花灯节,并对花灯的设计进行评比,优胜者将获得奖励。另外,越南的一些地方还在节日期间组织舞狮,常在农历八月十四、十五两晚进行。当地人过节时或全家围坐阳台上、院子里,或举家外出到野外,摆上月饼、水果及其他各式点心,边赏月、边品尝美味的月饼。孩子们则提着各种灯笼,成群结队地尽情嘻闹。 随着近年来越南人民的生活水平逐步提高,千年中秋习俗也悄然发生了变化。许多年轻人在节日里或在家聚会、唱歌跳舞,或结伴外出游玩赏月,增进同伴之间的了解与情谊。因此,越南的中秋节除了传统的合家团圆之意外,正在增添新的内涵,逐渐受到年轻人的青睐。


新加坡是一个华人占人口绝大多数的国家,对于一年一度的中秋佳节向来十分重视。对新加坡的华人来说,中秋佳节是联络感情,表示谢意的天赐良机。亲朋好友、商业伙伴之间相互馈赠月饼,借此表示问候与祝愿。 新加坡是一个旅游国家,中秋佳节无疑是一个吸引游客的绝好机会。每年中秋临近时,当地着名的乌节路、新加坡河畔、牛车水及裕华园等地装饰一新。入夜时分,华灯初上,整个大街小巷一片红彤彤的景象,令人心动。 今年中秋节,在新加坡河畔矗立着一盏长300米、高4、5米,耗资7万美元制作的祥云巨型龙灯。每当夜幕降临,喷着水的巨型龙灯通身发光,将新加坡河面映照得一片火红,场面十分壮观。在华人的传统聚居地牛车水,除了从尼泊尔、越南等国进口的巨型灯笼熠熠生辉之外,由1364盏小红灯笼组成的44条小龙更是令牛车水增色不少。在新加坡颇具中华古老园林风韵的御花园,目前正在举办规模宏大的梦幻彩灯会。这里既有令人们喜爱的迪斯尼系列灯饰,也有巨大的北京天坛和巨龙造型的灯饰,分外引人注目。



The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.

On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.

At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.





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