Mobilephonesandtheinternetplayanimportantpartinthe - 考试试题及答案解析 - 读趣百科




Since the invention of the internet and mobile phones, face-to-face communication no longer holds the dominant role in human interaction it once had. Undoubtedly these technical advances have facilitated more convenient and greater amount of communication between people. Unfortunately this has not come without cost.

Obviously the unprecedentedly increased communication connects people more easily. No one can easily manage our various relationships unless we register the Facebook or any other social networking site. Thanks to cell phones, people can contact one another in real time and this significantly boosts working efficiency. Telecommunication also empowers modern people with more independence. For example, children equipped with a mobile phone can be allowed to go further because the parents would feel safe to be able to get in touch with their children at any time. Some school children are even sent abroad for travel or education, and the family tie is partly maintained by such video chatting tools as MSN or Skype.

While we enjoy an instant connection with one another, our relationships are actually getting fragile. Messaging or talking on phone eliminates all non-verbal expressions. However, researchers suggest that body and facial expressions are crucial to relationship as they carry the most significant part of conversation. Therefore, over-relying on the internet and cell phone to interact with others can easily cause misunderstanding, thereby undermining trustworthy relation. Another negative aspect of telecommunication is that people’s personal relationship is interfered in real life. It is typical that people are ready to receive any call any time even when they are at a family get-together dinner table.

To sum up, a new invention does not necessarily mean a good thing or bad. It is neutral in nature. The important thing is that how we utilize it. The Internet and cell phones can definitely be put into good use as long as we do not take for granted that it can totally substitute for traditional way of relating to others.






In recent years, young college graduates are having a tough time finding a decent job in an increasingly competitive labor market. Some are even unemployed for over a year. This is really a serious problem on the levels of both individual and the society as a whole.

First, long time being jobless, young people have to deal with some psychological conditions. They are subject to anxiety, lack of self-confidence, lower achievement motivation, and pessimism, all of which are potentially barriers for their future success at workplace and in personal life. Financially, unemployed students are stuck in the dilemma that they have to return home to keep relying on their elderly parents. As for the effect on the society, youth unemployment means that the scarce resources dedicated in higher education are invested in vain as graduates have no opportunity to transfer their academic knowledge and skills into productivity.

Part-time mediocre jobs can be a solution for them to be able to feed themselves for a while. Small businesses in virtual world require lower start-up cost than real-life ones, thereby allowing these youngsters with no bank saving to make a living. The condition has to be an easy access to a bank loan. Graduates tend to focus on major cities, making more competition in employment market. If they are led to some less crowded places, they would possibly have more chances to get hired.

To tackle this problem, governments should take the major responsibility. Governments should encourage these young adults to involve in some voluntary or low paid work in remote underdeveloped areas where are in great need in professional talents. Meanwhile they can gain some working experience which is very useful for their future career in their chosen field.

Further study can postpone college graduation and therefore relieve the pressure on labor market. But this is not a long-term solution. To completely reverse the situation, financial policies supporting small-sized businesses should be formulated at an attempt to create more job positions. While graduates cannot find a job, technical workers are in greater need. Therefore the entrance to university education should be lifted, whereas vocational education is expanded.






In many metropolises around the world, especially in English speaking countries, it is not surprising to see people from different ethnics or cultures living and working together. How this comes into existence and what influence this exerts on our society will be discussed as follow?

Such co-existence of races in many major cities can largely be attributed to modern transportation and telecommunication technologies, to be specific, airplanes, computer and the internet. This advancement increases mobility of human and promotes communication and interaction between people without limitation of space and time. The earliest and most obvious representation lies in the globalization of trade and business which expand beyond the national border and facilitate people involved to immigrate permanently or live overseas temporarily. Some countries like USA or Australia have tradition of immigration and they welcome distinctive cultures and ethnics or at least they tolerate differences well. In these places, multi-culture is the embodiment of a high level of civilization.

Of course melting pots have caused some concerns or problems. Races with different religions sometimes collide due to misunderstanding of other cultures. The dominant culture may have the tendency of assimilating or marginalizing other minor ethnics, leading to the young immigrated generation being confused with their cultural and political identity. Multiculturalism aimed at establishing an egalitarian society is deemed by some people to be over simplistic and idealistic.

However, this trend of globalization seems impossible to reverse and trying to deny it would not be as wise as to keep pace with it. Cultural diversity is believed to stimulate open-mind of people and the creativity and innovation of a society due to accommodation and communication of different ideas, therefore enhancing productivity and prosperity of a society in both economic and cultural terms. Looking back human history, brilliant ancient civilizations always featured a high level of inclusiveness of exotic cultures and religions.

To conclude this essay, the integration of cultures and ethnics in many areas in the world reflects the desire of human beings for widening their horizon and exploring the unknown world and this in turn accelerates more contact between distinctive cultures and ethnic groups. Human society would be more dependent on each other and realizing this sooner would be helpful for us to adapt to the current trend.






Twelve years into the new millennium, individuals have witnessed the universal utilization of computer in the fields of culture, science, military and so forth. When it comes to the education frontier, computer-related skills as well as their diversified applications,to a large extent,have facilitated students and schools throughout the world. However, whether computer skills should be enlisted in our curriculum, as a forth compulsory component, has sparked heated discussion recently. From my viewpoint, computer skills are important but not necessary in terms of public education.

Admittedly, youngsters would , for certain, gain more popularity in the future job market provided that computer techniques are offered in schools, since computerized products and technologies have penetrated virtually every aspect of every industry. In addition, acquiring the essential knowledge regarding computer or even the internet could, to some degree, help children improve the efficiency and quality of their school learning, which tend to be onerous and monotonous based on the current education system.

On the other hand, it seems pointless to add computer skills into the schooling list just like the other three, namely reading, writing and math. Firstly, the burden of students nowadays is fairly considerable. Adding a forth compulsory subject would undoubtedly frustrate and exhaust them, or even undermine their passion for studying all together. On top of that, computer skills, along with the widespread of personal computers in common household, can be gained in various means besides educational institution. It has been a quite common phenomenon that a major group of adolescents learned how to type by chatting online, how to save files by downloading the very first movie, and how to maintain operation system by installing anti-virus software.

Considering all the factors above, I personally reach the conclusion that computer skill should not be added into the current school disciplines, even though it is, indisputably, an essential technique to survive in the modern society.






Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and maintained.

Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local security and community stability.

with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonies. Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among countries. All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious culture.

To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive development.






Today, many commercial advertisements can be seen everywhere, selling different kinds of products such as cosmetics, toys and clothes. Some people concern that the widespread of advertisements may result in the loss of individuality among people, as they tend to wear the same clothes and use the same makeup. From my perspective, I completely disagree with this viewpoint.

Admittedly, people from different walks of life have various consumption views. However, most people would budget their disposable income wisely instead of wasting all in a set of clothes without serious consideration. Therefore, despite the proliferation of the commercial advertisements for the same luxury product, people would still make decisions of buying or not according to their limited income.

Also, people are capable of distinguishing whether the clothes in the advertisement suit themselves or not. Being exposed in a sea of advertisements for long, people's immune systems towards advertisements have strengthened. Consequently, fewer people would be swayed by the gorgeous clothes in the advisements as they realize that most clothes on advertisements only suit for models but not for the average.

Furthermore, so many different advertisements are provided for people's option that it is fairly difficult to be the same with others. Take clothes for example. There are various styles, ranging from classical to modern, childish to mature, conservative to sexy. Therefore, people still could choose their favorite style to meet their demand.

To conclude, due to the multi-choice of advertisement and people's wise budget, people would not lost their individualities under the strong promotion of the same product in the advertisement.











