Chapter 6 September 1794: Julies Marriage Feast - Desirees Diary(Book One) - 读趣百科

Chapter 6 September 1794: Julies Marriage Feast

Julie was married today. It has been an exciting time for us both. But last night was even more exciting for me.

It followed a busy day. In the morning I Helped Mama and Marie to get ready for the marriage feast. And in the afternoon we said goodbye to Persson. Etienne and I went with him to the Paris coach.

"Allow me to carry one of your parcels, monsieur," I begged him.

"You may carry this one, Desiree," he said. "It contains the most beautiful silk that I ever saw. Your father got it for Queen Marie Antoinette. But then she was guillotined."

"Papa wanted a queen to wear it," Etienne added. "And in Sweden they still have a queen. I hope that Monsieur Persson will be able to supply it to her."

As the coach drove away, I thought: "I shall never see him again. But hes taking the Rights of Man with him to Sweden." The thought brought tears to my eyes. Then I remembered the marriage feast, and I felt happy again.

At dinner Mama said: "We must all go to bed early. And Julie must have a bath."

We have baths quite often, because Papa had modern ideas. In fact I have one almost every month.

I watched Julie having her bath. Then I went to bed, but I couldnt sleep. Suddenly I heard a noise outside. Somebody was whistling "Le jour de gloire est arrive!(French: The time of glory has arrived!)"

I sat up. It was the second line of our towns own song ---- the song of the revolution, the Marseillaise(A song of Marseilles) .It was also Napoleons secret signal. He always whistled that signal when he was arriving at our house.

I jumped out of bed and opened the window. It was a warm night, but storm clouds were flying across the moon.

Most young ladies cant whistle. Mama says that its not polite. But I can do it.

"Le jour de gloire----" I whistled.

"---est arrive!" came from below. And a figure moved out of the shadows and stood on the path.

I forgot to shut the window. I forgot to put on my shoes. I forgot that I was wearing only a nightdress. I didnt even light a candle. I ran down the stairs and opened the big front door. And I rushed out into the garden.

He held me tightly and whispered: "Arent you cold, my darling Desirre?"

"Only my feet," I whispered back. "I have no shoes on."

He lifted me up and carried me to the steps outside the front door. We sat there, on the cold stone. Then he put his cloak around my shoulders.

"when did you come home?" I asked. "And did you escape, or did they free you?"

"They freed me because Ive done nothing wrong," he said. "But I havent reached home yet, Im still on my way. I wanted to thank you for that parcel, my darling girl." He kissed the top of my head. "The colonel at Nice told me that you had sent it."

We sat and talked. The storm was coming nearer. When it started to rain, I pulled his cloak more tightly round my shoulders. Then a strange wild cry came from under the trees.

"Its my horse," Napoleon said. "Perhaps its afraid of the storm." And he shouted something to it.

A moment later a window opened above us. Etiennes voice called: "Whos there?"

Napoleon stood up. I jumped up too and stood beside him.

"Im General Bonaparte," he replied. And he added to me: "Im going to ask him now."

"But you ought to be in prison!" Etiennes voice was angry. "What are you doing here? And who are you talking to?"

"Hes talking to me," I called. "Its me, Dessiree."

The moon shone between the clouds and showed us the angry face at the window. Napoleon put his arm round my shoulders. Then he shouted:

"Monsieur Clary ! I want to marry your youngest sister. Have I your permission?"

Etiennes only reply was: "Desiree, come in at once!" And he shut the window.

"Good night, my darling," Napoleon said. "Ill see you tomorrow at the marriage feast."

I heard him whistling our song as he rode away. I was still wearing his army cloak. I ran up to my bedroom and put it across my bed. I thought: "Under his cloak I shall surely have wonderful dreams."

That was last night. A lot had happened since then. Julie was almost late at the marriage office. She couldnt find her new shoes. At last I found them under her bed.

When Mama was young, everyone was married in church. The revolution changed that. Now you have to go to an office. You can still wear a beautiful dress; Julies was white, and she carried red flowers. But they dont give you beautiful music in a marriage office.

After the ceremony, all the Bonapartes came to the marriage feast. Madame Letitia had tied her hair in a knot, like a farmers wife. Elisa had thick paint on her face. Paulette looked pretty. Carolines face was unusually clean, and her hair was combed. Jerome started to fill himself with food as soon as he arrived. Lucien and Louis just looked uncomfortable in their best clothes.

Suzanne and I gave a glass of champagne to our guests. Etienne raised his glass and said: "To Julie and Joseph! A long and happy life together!" Our guests all raised their glasses too, and drank their champagne.

After that, we sat down and enjoyed the feast. Napoleon sat next to me. When we had almost finished, he whispered into my ear. Then he stood up and said, in a loud voice:

"Listen, everyone! Since all the Clarys and bonapates are present, I have something to tell you. Medemoiselle Desiree and I are going to be married. I asked Monsieur Etienne for his permission last night."

The Bonapartes cheered, and Madame Letitia gave me a kiss. But it was a terrible for Mama, She was not at all glad. She turned to Etienne; but he just looked angry.

Napoleon went up to Etienne and put one hand on his shoulder. Then he raised his glass, and he smiled. That smile has a strange power over people. Etiennes thin lips slowly smiled in return. He too raised his glass, and they drank together.

The Bonapartes were too busy to notice Jerome. He was trying to finish all the food on the table. Suddenly Madame Letitia gave a cry. Jeromes face was green. She dragged him into the garden just in time.

When the other guests had gone, Napoleon remaind. There were tears in Mamas yes when she spoke to him. "General Bonaparte," she said. "Will you promise me one thing? Will you promise not to marry Desiree till she is sixteen? "

"Madame Clary," he replied, "I cannot choose the date for our marriage. You and Monsieur Etienne must do that. Its the usual custom."

"Perhaps it is, General Bonaparete. And youre very young. But I notice ---" She stopped and gave him a sad smile. "I notice that people dont refuse your desire. They always agree with you. Your family does, and my family does too. So I beg you. Desiree is still very young. Perhaps wait till she is sixteen!"

Napoleon gently lifted Mamas hand to his lips. I knew that that was a promise.