Chapter 7 September 1795: I Have Run Away From Hom - Desirees Diary(Book One) - 读趣百科

Chapter 7 September 1795: I Have Run Away From Hom

Paris! Im in Paris! Ive run away from home. Ive spent four days in a coach, but at last Im here. Theres a lot to write in my diary. First I must explain why I have come.

I came because Napoleon is here. I havent seen him for a year. The day after Julies marriage he said to me:

"Desiree, I must go to Paris. Im still a general. Im ready to fight. But they wont give me an army unless I see the War Minister. They havent even paid me since I was arrested. So I need money. Can you help me? A hundred francs would be enough."

I had ninety-eight francs in a hidden place in my bedroom. I was hoping to buy him a better uniform. But he needed the money, so I gave it to him. "Take care of yourself in Paris," I said. "And come back soon."

He counted it. "Ninety-eight francs. Ill pay it back one day." He promised. "If they give me an army, I shant come back very soon. I shall conquer Italy first. But you must write to me often. The War Ministers office will be my address. Theyll send me your letters. And dont worry about me, Desiree." His eyes were looking straight into mine. There was a mystery in those eyes, and it filled my heart with a sudden fear. "Listen, and Ill tell you a secret. One day you will be the wife of the greatest man in France! Goodbye, my darling."

Then he climbed on to his horse and rode away.

But the men at the War Ministers office didnt like him. They gave him some unimportant duties in Italy. Then he got ill, and he had to leave the army. He was in Paris again, without work and without money. His coat was full of holes, and his only trousers were torn.

"So I went to Madame Tellien," he wrote to Joseph. "Her husband is one of the strongest men in the government. She holds parties for him and his fellow ministers. The most important men and the most beautiful women in Paris go to her house. So she has a lot of power. She likes generals, and she seems to like me. She and her friend Josephine have given me new clothes. They may even ask the government to give me an army. They cant promise anything yet. But I visit them every afternoon. "

Josephine! Even in distant Marseilles, people talk about the woman. They say that shes the most beautiful woman in Paris. Her husband was a nobleman, and he was guillotined. But her pretty face saved her life.

"Whose wife is she now?" I asked Joseph.

"She isnt married," Joseph replied. "Shes the special friend of Monsieur Barras. He and Tallien and Forche have led the government since they had Robespierre guillotined. Fouche is the most dangerous. He was one of Robespierres friends, and I know him myself. Hes a real snake."

I didnt ask any more questions. I had heard enough. My Napoleon was visiting an unmarried woman every afternoon. And she had given him some new clothes.

Next day all my family went away for a holiday. I didnt want to go, so I was left alone with Marie. As soon as they had gone, I said to her:

"Marie, Im nearly sixteen; but Napoleons letters say nothing about our marriage. I must go to Pairs quickly. If I dont, there wont be any marriage. He sees too many beautiful women there. He must see my face again."

Marie understood. "You can stay with my sister in Paris." She said. "Ill give you her address. And your mother left three hundred francs with me when she went away. That will pay for your needs." She gave me her sweetest smile. "Get a seat on the coach tomorrow, Desiree. And come back safely!"

So here I am, in her sisters home. Tomorrow I shall find Napoleon. I shall meet him in Madame Talliens house, and I shall take him away from those beautiful women!